Speaking Tips 101

There are volumes of books written, classes and seminars held on the topic of how to improve presentations. However, I am ‘stunned’ every time that I sit through another yawn-inducing presentation. It is not a matter of how smart we are, or if we are the world’s most renown person in the subject matter. What matters is if we engaged and informed the audience!
A few quick tips:
1) Know your audience: This means be prepared! Don’t come armed with your hundreds of PowerPoint slides, expecting to engage the audience, all that means is that you have a wicked (way too long) PowerPoint presentation most of which should be omitted (respectfully, in my opinion.)
2) Respect your audience: By this, I mean, know that they are very smart and their time is valuable! I recently presented to an auditorium of 300 or more people at one of the largest auto manufacturers. Including the meet and greet, my hour long talk and the Q/A which followed, it was 3 hours per person, for 300 people that is 900 man hours. It has to be worthwhile and be of benefit to the company and participants. Respect is essential.
3) Inspiration is key: Often in technology focused talks, we feel it is a matter of how many buzz words we can pack up in our presentation. Combined with a lack of connection with the audience, the audience becomes disconnected and uninspired. Yes, be inspiring. Are you bound to listen to something, anything, if you were inspired , or the reverse? Inspiration is key. The best speakers are those who inform, inspire, respect and connect with their audience. Make it interesting!
4) Connecting with your audience: Do not connect with your audience by asking the same question repeatedly! In a recent talk, almost 11 times the speaker asked the small audience, “Let’s see a show of hands for this and that…”. That got old quickly and became irritating. Find creative ways to engage your audience. One way is to be prepared with things that are relevant to your audience and ask intelligent questions (engaging the audience) and not just asking for show of hands.
5) Remember eye contact! You are connecting with the audience and not your presentation or the screen! Overcome your fear by looking at the people and smiling to create an in person connection.
And in this brief introduction to public speaking, it is key to let your passion show but not be overly enthusiastic. I find that being respectful and prepared are two of the best remedies for giving great presentations. And folks, change it up…don’t give the same talk repeatedly. Not only will your audience be bored, but trust me, you will get bored as well.
More tips coming soon. What tips would you add?