Part I: GenAI Music: Innovate via XdMind, Not Fight Legal Copyright Battles! 


We have all heard many things about GenAI music. When GenAI became available for mass consumption, we hit the era of GenAI-everything, Music included.

Let’s talk about GenAI Music: GenAI Music will fill up the music pipeline with tens of millions of songs. Not by known artists, songwriters, or composers, but via algorithms.

A few considerations/problems: What were the training datasets used? How to manage copyrights? Market saturation is a real risk, and how will listeners and applications even discover the music?

Disruption is a fantastic idea, but without a plan and intent, disruption is just chaos.

Some GenAI music companies have raised insane amounts of money, as they are prepping for lawsuits. 2 weeks post-closing their funding, Suno got hit with lawsuits from the major labels and more to come. Using tens of millions of investor dollars to fight the music giants in lawsuits, is not innovation. Before a song becomes a ‘song’, tens of people with different crafts work on it and pour their time, sweat, and money into it. Copyrights protect the rights of these people. If (and this is an IF) their products are being used illegally or unintentionally to produce royalty-free, algorithmic music, don’t these people have rights? Is all this to re-write copyright rules?

There is a totally LEGIT market for GenAI Music. Absolutely. However, we should not go about it with the current adversarial approach, and lawsuits, rather than harness the power and full capacity of GenAI music.

The two key problems with oversaturating the music industry are:

1) How to DISCOVER the right GenAI music when the funnels will be over full.

2) How to find the right places for such music. Otherwise, it is like taking a billion-ton bucket and overfilling it with hundreds of millions of songs, which the world will NEVER HEAR!

The Solution: It is time we Intelligently managed this process to deal with the over-saturation caused by GenAI music. How to intelligently discover the right music, adapt to the right environments, and approach this innovatively with massive revenue growth in mind, vs overfilling the pipeline with UNDISCOVERABLE Music!

That is where XdMind Inc. comes in. We are the intelligent solution to the current poor music discovery, GenAI, and lawsuit-ready mentality. The solution is not to win a lawsuit, but to enable people to intelligently discover  GenAI music, and make GenAI succeed. This can all work and our approach, XdMind’s end-to-end AI technology, will solve this problem. Stay tuned to my LI Blog tomorrow to see how XdMind can solve this messy situation!

Let’s disrupt mindfully to innovate meaningfully.