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Apple vs. Samsung Verdict: Will It Impede Innovation?
Since the verdict in the Apple vs. Samsung case was announced, there has been no shortage of articles written about the possible impact this will have on innovation. Below are several of those articles followed by comments about each of them. Technology Review: Apple/Samsung: The Verdict on Innovation With over 60% of 700 Million or…
CIO Must Become Chief Innovation Officer
The IT landscape in large enterprises has changed radically in the last 5 years. Where the challenge previously was to develop the best IT platform for a company and to find ways to store data in traditional databases such as Oracle, today the ‘I’ in Information has changed to ‘Innovation’ in the CIO’s title. The…
Invest in Start-Ups for Innovation?
I want to focus in on Jason Yotopolous’s following point in this Venture Beat article: SAP gives startups millions of dollars worth of software: At a recent SAP innovation conference, Jason Yotopolous, the executive vice president of global research and business incubation at SAP, hinted at the company’s reasoning. “We are building startups within SAP,”…
When Disruption Leads to Game Changing Innovation!
Square brought to market a huge opportunity. Simply put, where anyone, anywhere could turn their mobile phone or pad into a cash register and do business from anywhere including cabs, street vendors, independent stores, and much more. At a hefty fee of 2.75% vendors loved the idea to be able to conduct commerce anywhere at…
Women in Tech: Taking the Investment Risk
Folks, I am an angel investor in tech startups in the US (Silicon Valley, Seattle, San Diego, Utah and other cities), Europe and India as well as emerging markets. I have been eagerly investing in companies for the last 5 years. To date, in any of these cities/countries, I have ‘rarely’ had a woman investor…
Culture of Innovation is Key!
Fellow innovators, I was extremely delighted to read Christine Comaford’s 7/26 Forbes article about the necessity of innovation. Right on! While Christine and I have not met nor have we discussed these elements, we are significantly aligned! As an active disruptor and provocateur, I work with large enterprises to revitalize innovation and grow the vibrant…