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Communicating with the person sitting next to me at work!
Folks, as you know, I work with large enterprises in the area of global innovation. Often my clients are over 200,000 employees, and the layout is very complex. And our focus is enabling ‘global innovation’, focusing and enabling thousands of employees to innovate more actively and developing a vibrant Culture of Disruption (CofD) and Culture…
Why Do We Need to Segment Innovation?
OK folks, the following article in Entrepreneur magazine led me to this blog. Innovation is broad and encompasses many things. Textbooks seem to want to give names to phases and to the journey/experience of innovation, why is that? With all due respect to the authors who promote the necessity of such categorization, I totally disagree.…
CIOs, Innovation and the Democratization of IT
Sadly I missed this Enterprise 2.0 conference but wanted to share some thoughts with you. Here is a good quick summary from Information week. This was a gathering of many CIO and IT leaders. Clearly top on everybody’s mind is how rapidly and broadly IT is evolving. Gone are the days that the CIO was…
Why Do We Kill Innovation Instead of Nurturing It!?
Kudos to Chris DeRose and Noel Tichy for their article discussing why companies stop innovation. This is a very well written article, I invite everyone to read it. It has always been curious to me why and for what rational reason would companies not encourage more innovation by all their staff. Here is the thought:…
2013 Technology Trends: What Do You Think?
Here are Gartner’s picks for the top technology trends for 2013, which among the regular set of suspects, brings in enterprise App-store and strong emphasis on Big Data. To be honest, I have yet not formulated my 2013 list yet and wanted to get your thoughts. I hope in 2013 we are rising above analytics…
If Samsung Can Innovate, Why Don’t Other Large Companies as Well?
Fellow readers, I have discussed the following with a number of you already, but wanted to open the dialog to a larger group and get your perspective. I am fascinated with what is going on with Samsung right now, and more importantly WHY I don’t see this happening at other larger companies. With ProVoke, I…