XdMind™: The Intelligent Music Discovery and Adaptation Solution

XdMind in action

XdMind Inc.™ is the only fully patented end-to-end AI solution INTELLIGENTLY connecting music of all kinds to end users in video games, video social, and more. XdMind™ works with all sources of music: Music from labels, publishers, indie’s, AI, and GenAI music. And all end users of music, video gamers, social media video users, and the emerging Metaverse.

Reality Check: Not only do we have tons of music today worldwide, AI and GenAI music are adding millions of songs. Pipelines are becoming diluted. Music streaming companies like @Spotify, @Apple, and others, are streaming music they believe listeners will like. However, the music is rarely personalized to the desires of the end users, and never with awareness of the nuance of the video scene that the music is being adapted to.

It is time to innovate the world of music!

It is time for the music industry to stop the blind reliance on streaming companies and controls to increase their market share and revenue.

Globally we have over FOUR BILLION HOURS of game-play PER DAY across gaming alone. That is a huge new market for the music industry to penetrate. Now imagine if every second – of every video – were intelligently adapted with music that matches that video. Imagine too… this is music you love! This is not music just playing in the background, totally unaware of what you are doing. We @XdMind™ have developed the end-to-end AI Solution that: Understands the exact nuance of the scene, intelligently finds the right music (songs) across millions of songs of all genres (to match the scene), and seamlessly adapts the music to the scene. The user/gamer is delighted and gameplay or video production continues. Millions of new songs hit hundreds of millions of gamers, changing the world of music and delighting gamers and all end users.

It is time we change how we think of music discovery and consumption!

Without @XdMind™, music pipelines will be overflowing, streaming will do the same-old thing (while also controlling what we listen to), our desires never understood, and the music never personalized. Humans connect to music unlike anything else, so why not expose tens of thousands of new artists and finally disrupt and innovate the world of music consumption? XdMind™ via GameDJ™ will be connecting millions of songs to tens of millions of end-users globally, effortlessly.

Imagine a world where every minute, you are being delighted with new music, learning about new artists, or hearing a song from your favorite artist you did not even know about. Imagine a world where your desires and interests in music were responded to. Imagine when your music experience is hugely heightened!

With the advent of AI and GenAI music, the music pipelines will be impossible to navigate and discover new songs, impossible to discover new music mindfully. Without XdMind™, you will listen to the same streaming playlists. Intelligent and adaptive music discovery is not possible. Now IMAGINE how XdMind™ is changing this world.

XdMind™ and GameDJ™ support ANY video game and ANY social media video platform, without requiring ANY integration, making it super easy to use! Truly effortless.

Stay tuned… We are very excited! There’s much more to come.


Imagine | Disrupt | Innovate | Lead