Yes, Let’s Bring Jobs and Knowledge Back to America, Shall We?

JobsBuilding on my last blog of May 31…I totally agree with Dylan Tweney’s recent article: America, it’s time to start making things again.

We (America) need to consciously think of bringing jobs back and retraining and focusing on the growth of talent in America. As mentioned in Tweney’s article, here is what Motorola is doing with their new mobile phone:

“Motorola, a longstanding American electronics company that fell on hard times and got bought by Google a year and a half ago, is reopening a phone factory near Forth Worth, Texas. It will assemble the company’s latest phone, the Moto X, which Motorola Mobility CEO Dennis Woodside says will be the first U.S.-built smartphone ever. It will employ 2,000 people to do so.”

This means 2,000 new hires in a community who will be trained and as this operation grows, more people will be hired. Communities will thrive as once the business moves in, other businesses grow as well. More importantly, examples such as this, will stimulate others to bring their manufacturing and other operations back to the US. For those of us in the industry, we know that on the surface, cost of operations are lower when outsourced, but the quality is not necessarily perfect and there are a lot of other hidden costs. At the end of the day, it is quite possible that Motorola will achieve higher quality AND lower costs AND improve our economy in the US, all in one shot. Would that not be amazing!?!

As you can see in Tweney’s article, Emmelt of GE was spot on at the D11 conference this week:

“The era of labor arbitrage is ending,” General Electric chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt said this week at D11, a tech conference in southern California. Thanks to new manufacturing technologies that reduce the amount of labor required, he said, “you can basically make whatever you want, wherever you want.”

This means that we no longer have to move manufacturing to afford the cost. This means we can revitalize communities.

I hope you will be part of the movement to bring back jobs to America, retrain and revitalize some of our communities where there is tons of talent, affordable labor and the huge opportunity to REBUILD AMERICA!

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